The Official UK Site of Angelic Reiki

Dear Master Teacher (or Master Teacher to be!),  

In response to a call put out by Christine Core to encourage more Professional Practitioners and Master Teachers to set up in practice, I have been inspired to create the Co-Teaching Support Scheme for Master Teachers to assist those who want to honour the way of teaching the official version as closely as possible. 

I am now in my 15th year of teaching Angelic Reiki and my love and understanding grows with every workshop I facilitate and I am passionate about spreading this wonderful healing module and way of life.

This scheme has been commended by Christine and has been set up to:-

(a)           Support Master Teachers to have the confidence to teach and apply all aspects of being a Master Teacher.

(b)          Be able to officially teach if they have less than 4 students booked for a workshop as they can join one of my classes.

(c)           Offer The Academy of Angelic Healing in Harrow, Middlesex, London as a venue.

(d)          Provide a network of Master Teachers to support one another and create this scheme in their own area when they feel confident to do so.

To join the scheme, the Master Teacher firstly needs to have taken all four workshops with any officially registered Master Teacher(s).  The prices are:-

1&2    £252

3&4   £360

PP     £300

MT    £390

Prior to teaching a workshop, the Master Teacher must take the workshop for a second time in order to familiarise him or herself with the workshop and this will be at 50% discount if you are resitting with me (as shown below) or 25% discount if the workshop was taken previously with another Master Teacher unless you have completed your training with Christine Core.

1&2    £126

3&4   £180

PP     £150

MT    £195

Should the Master Teacher wish to participate in any of the teaching during the re-sit this may be possible.  Should the Master Teacher wish to take a workshop for a third or subsequent time, this will currently be free of charge with me, by arrangement. 

Once the resit has taken place, the Master Teacher can bring their student(s) to a workshop at my venue.  The fee from the student would be split with 25% of the fee going to me, and 75% of the fee going to the Master Teacher, as follows:-

1&2    £63 to me and £189 to Master Teacher

3&4   £90 to me and £270 to Master Teacher

PP     £75  to me and £225 to Master Teacher

MT    £98 to me and £292 to Master Teacher

Due to the current world situation it is now compulsory to include the DNA, Karma & Cellular Cleansing workshop prior to all the Angelic Reiki workshops that I facilitate. This will be facilitated by me and take place from 10.30am-1.30pm on the first day of all workshops or via Zoom on the evening before the Professional Practitioner workshop. This will be charged at £35 per student. There is no charge for the Master Teacher. This workshop is not part of Angelic Reiki but I have found that by attending this, it creates a smoother flow of energy for the Angelic Reiki workshop. It now includes a new way of teaching using a pale blue platinum light from Archangel Michael that has been made available especially for these times.

The Master Teacher is able to teach at my venue the parts of the workshop as set out in the manual that they felt confident teaching. I would be there to fill in the gaps of the teaching.  I have been regularly teaching Angelic Reiki since 2006 and have attended all UK updates.  I also have knowledge, anecdotes and information gained directly from Kevin and Christine Core having done my training and taken workshops with them including Shamballah and Merkabah.  This way the Master Teacher would learn additional information not found in the manuals to share with their clients when ready to teach alone.

In addition to my holding the space and overlighting the teaching, ensuring that the Master Teacher is teaching correctly, I would offer the venue facilities including teas, coffees, alkalised water and biscuits.  For each student, I would provide the master crystal, manual and certificate.  I will use calligraphy to complete the certificate and the Master Teacher can co-sign the certificate if they wish. I will also provide a gossamer bag for the master crystal.  I will ensure the venue is professionally cleaned.  I will also ensure copies of The Dictionary of Angels and You Can Heal Your Life are available for students to refer to as well as a set of platonic solids and other relevant materials, such as illustrations detailing the etheric body for the Professional Practitioner workshop.  I will also have copies of the Angelic Reiki book for purchase.

In addition, I will create the workshop welcome letter for the student and provide his or her details to Helena Fern for the Angelic Reiki database.  I will also provide a network list of all students attending the workshop for each Master Teacher and student.  I will also provide any relevant information and articles required for each workshop (i.e. Death and Dying article for Professional Practitioner workshop and Reiki Differences).  I will also be available to provide ongoing support to Master Teachers and their students and answer any questions.  I can also provide the Master Teacher with my own article which details additional information to support teaching Angelic Reiki 3&4. 

Before accepting this Co-Support Teaching Scheme, I will ask the Master Teacher to register themselves on the Official UK Site of Angelic Reiki where they can also promote themselves as Professional Practitioners and advertise their workshops if they so wish.  They would be responsible for the payments to me for their students as shown above (25% of the full fee) and it would be helpful (though not essential!) if they could please arrive early to welcome students, help me with setting up the treatment couch and ensure the venue is kept clean and tidy at the end of each day.  I usually ask the students to do their own washing up. 

Master Teachers are also responsible for the validity of their student to be able to attend the workshops and that they will be able to sit still during the workshop and ensuring they have not been adversely affected by non-prescribed drugs or alcohol.  This information of course is included in my workshop welcome letter.  

This scheme has already been tried and tested with several Master Teachers and has been created for the benefit of all concerned and will evolve accordingly.  

Should you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please do let me know.  

With love and angelic blessings,


Jayn Lee-Miller

07925 127222

On behalf of The Official UK Site of Angelic Reiki

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The Official Angelic Reiki as channelled by Archangel Metatron through Kevin Core and Co-Founded by Kevin and Christine Core through The Foundation of Cosmic Fire 2003.

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